Saturday, October 9, 2010

Interesting Gadgets

I spent a little time looking at trends in pharmacy and technology and here are some of the things I found on
Smarter Pill Bottle Caps

The pharmacy bottle sized cap keep track of when it’s opened and closed. The bottle cap glows when you need to take your medication if you forget. It has been showed to improve daily medication compliance by patients. Here is how it works. When you forget to take your pill, the pharmacy bottle sized caps will remind patients to take their medication by blinking light or playing a regularly repeating ring tone until the cap is opened. In addition, the bottle cap will also send you emails every time you need to take a pill and a monthly report in the mail on how you did. GlowCaps sale at a price $99 and includes the cost of 2G connection. To see a Vitality GlowCaps Demo, go to
onePAC prescription packaging technology is designed to simplify the distribution and uptake of medications. I think it is as great technology to increase medication adherence and safety. Each onePac package contains the medications you need to take for the entire day and include the time at which to take them. So instead of having multiple pill bottles, onePac group all your medications for a day in one package. It contains the person’s name, day and time of dose, medication names, strengths, picture of the pill, and directions for the patient in how to take the medication. For more information about the onePAC prescription packaging technology, go to

It was only a matter of time before texting made its way into healthcare as a viable option as a way to remind patients to take their medications. OnTimeRx medication reminders are helping people remember to take their medication on time. With OnTimeRx you can schedule and receive any kind of message you want. OnTimeRx reminders can be simple, like: "Take your pills now". Or use a more specific message, like: “Time to take your blood pressure medications now.” This service can send reminder calls on your home telephone, mobile phone or by SMS or email.  The OnTimeRx Reminder Software Applications works on your iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm WebOS, or Windows Mobile smart phone or PDA. You can even install the program on your Windows desktop or laptop. For more information about OnTimeRx, go to

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